
IEDES - Master mention Etudes du Développement

Master 1 - Econometrics

This course deepens the basics of econometrics, providing students with a solid understanding of the estimation and modelling techniques essential for analysing economic problems related to development. The following topics will be covered:

  1. The classical regression model

  2. Properties of the OLS estimator in large samples

  3. Heteroscedasticity: The problem and correction methods

  4. Non-linear models: Probit and Logit

  5. Count models: Poisson models

Master 2 - Climate and Data

To become familiar with climate issues and to understand the construction of sustainable development indicators, this course proposes:

  1. Intensive training in R software

  2. Advanced skills in data collection, processing, and analysis on R (graphical representations, maps, data extractions, web scraping, textual analysis. . . )

  3. A common theme: climate data and sustainable development indicators.
